
Thank you
Thank you all for your texts, calls and emails of encouragement and support. Your views are important to me and will continue to shape the issues and priorities I champion as your Assemblymember. Remember to vote this November to take a stand for our values and freedoms.
I stand with California Professional Firefighters in the fight for year-round investment in wildfire prevention. Locally and statewide, this means recruiting, retaining and training an adequate workforce of firefighters, nurses and first responders; equipping them with the life-saving tools they need to contain fires and save lives; and investing in effective vegetation management and fire break techniques. We’ll keep you informed of efforts to transform this vision into year-round implementation.

With you and organizations like Planned Parenthood, we’ll win the fight to amend the State Constitution to prohibit the State from interfering with or denying an individual’s right to reproductive freedom, including access to contraceptives. Our San Mateo County Reproductive Freedom Task Force is also focused on health equity and reproductive rights for low-income and women of color. To get involved with my Task Force click here

I have long led efforts to address the devastating effects of drought in San Mateo County and am taking these approaches and results to Sacramento. I am working with State Senator Josh Becker to expand the use of recycled/reclaimed water in irrigation, farming and landscaping –these strategies should be used as a model statewide for all Californians. Governor Gavin Newsom has taken bold leadership on water strategies, and I endorse his Water Supply Strategy, which invests $8 Billion to fight drought over the next two years. Learn more about his plan here.

I was born and raised in San Mateo. I want my daughter and your children and grandchildren to be able to buy a home here in the County we love. Expanding That’s why I have been a leader in the creation of affordable housing and home ownership opportunities for all Californians families through the construction of hundreds new affordable housing units and by requiring future housing projects to include more affordable housing will continue to be one of my top priorities.

I am working with Congresswoman Anna Eshoo and local gun safety advocates to protect California’s ban on assault weapons from future US Supreme Court rulings. San Mateo County prides itself on welcoming, diverse communities. With our local law enforcement, the API Caucus, and local officials, I’ll lead efforts to monitor and prosecute any incidents of anti-Asian hate and any and all forms of discrimination and bigotry. Keeping our school sites safe, increasing access to state reporting of these crimes, and enhancing culturally competent state services are all part of my strategy to ensure we support equity and safety for all.

Frankly, the State isn’t doing enough to fight the homeless crisis. Every family and child should have a safe place to come home to daily. It’s time for political rhetoric to end and effective, compassionate solutions to be developed and funded. I’ll fight to expand State mental health and suicide prevention programs, and to ensure families are safely and stably housed.