The only other candidate in this race has suspended her candidacy. Make a strong statement by voting YES on Prop. 1 and Diane Papan for State Assembly.

I Proudly Stand for:
Reproductive Choice
Protecting California’s ban on assault weapons
Investing in Wildfire Prevention
Creating Compassionate, Effective Solutions to Homelessness
Reducing the Impacts of Drought and Climate Change
Fighting for
Reproductive Rights
“This November, join me in the fight to protect reproductive freedom – the right to an abortion and access to contraceptives regardless of socioeconomic status. Vote YES on Proposition 1 and get involved in our San Mateo County-based Task Force to protect these freedoms....”
– Diane
The Daily Journal
Diane Papan is a fighter, does her research and is passionate about constituent service. She is incredibly skilled at balancing ever-competing needs to come up with a solution that works best for everyone…
She can move us forward while striking a balance that makes the most sense to most of us. She would hit the ground Running
The Daily Journal – May 10, 2022 (Excerpted)